Delivery Information

Is international shipping available?
  • Yes. You may also inquire if our shipping services covers your country and region before making a purchase.
  • Free shipping offer is only available to Hong Kong and Macau at this moment for new device purchases.

Upon confirmation of the order, can I cancel or change to other delivery methods.

  • Orders cannot be cancelled or changed after confirmation.

How long until I receive my order?

Estimates below are based on after we have fulfilled and shipped the orders out. Delivery estimates does not include order processing times.

  • Residential addresses: 2-5 business days
  • Commercial/EF Locker addresses: 1-3 business days

    If I would like to change my shipping address, what should I do?

    -Orders cannot be cancelled or changed after confirmation on the system. If you would like to make changes, please contact Customer Service at (852) 3616 0454 or email to We might alter the charge as a result of this change and the cost shall be borne by the customer.

    There may not be anyone at home to receive my package. Is there anywhere I can request to ship it to?

    You may opt to use a nearby SF Locker or your place of business.


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