Where can use the Government Consumption Voucher?
It can use in our Garmin Brand Stores and Showroom.
Which payment methods accepted?
Octopus 八達通 (only in Garmin Brand Stores 只在專門店)
Alipay HK 支付寶香港.
WeChat Pay HK 微信支付香港.
Tag & Go 拍住賞
Can customer settle a payment by using more than one consumption voucher if we purchase one single product?
購買一件產品時, 可否數個顧客各自使用消費券付款?
Once partly settling the payment by the consumption voucher, can the balance be settled by another payment mean?
使用消費券後, 餘額可否用其他付款工具?
Yes, the balance can be settle by the payment methods which we original accept, including TTOT Coupon & Shopping Mall Coupon.
可以, 餘額可用商店原有的付款方式繳付 (包括TTOT 優惠券及商場優惠券).
Can customer use the 1st consumption voucher as a deposit, and settle the balance when the 2nd consumption voucher is ready?
顧客可否先使用第一期消費券付訂金, 當收妥第二期消費券時, 再付餘額?
Yes, the product will be arranged when the balance is received.
可以, 產品到貨後會通知客人再付餘額.
Can customer use consumption voucher for repair fee?
For exchange and refund:
Normally we don’t accept refund to customer.
Exchange is acceptable with original invoice and full product packing, customer may need paid back the price difference.
顧客可保留單據和原有包裝更換產品, 如更換之新產品價格高於原有產品, 顧客需補回差額.
Any special case for refund with approval by Customer Service, we only refund the Government Consumption Voucher back to the customer if customer using voucher as the payment for the item.
如有特別情況, 而客戶服務部主任同意退款, 所有使用消費券付款之交易, 本公司只會將有關款項會退回消費者的消費券內.